MacWorld 1999 July
Macworld (1999-07).dmg
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For Developers
Mops 3.4.sea
Mops source
PPC source
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3,087 lines
forward (meth_in_mod) \ calls a method in a module when the module
\ is already loaded and we know its base
\ addr - see zModules.
forward register_check
\ forward ?enterHeldMod \ If an object's class is in a module, heldMod
\ will be nonzero straight after we resolve the class
\ pointer. Even if we eventually bind to a method that's
\ not in the module, it turns out we need the module's
\ base registers set up since we might call other methods
\ that are in the module, via linked objects.
\ :f ?enterHeldMod ;f \ need to give it an initial dummy definition
\ 'cause it gets called before zModules is
\ loaded.
0 value prev_link \ saves prev link to current method - in
\ 68k mode, it's in cg5 which gets
\ loaded first
PPC? not
' pfind -> ufind \ in case of error - we set it to 1stFind
\ once we define it below
\ For all the class/object formats, see cg1.
12 constant obj_hdr_length \ was 8 on 68k
false value 68k_align? \ used in implementing 68k_record, so we
\ can handle 68k-format Toolbox records
[IF] \ We have to define all the values etc. that are defined in Class
\ on the 68k.
20 constant static_ivar_offs
\ the offset from the start of the ivar dic
\ info for a static ivar, to the ivar's data.
\ The ivar info is 18 bytes long, then we have
\ to align.
0 value PUB/PRIV \ -1 private, 1 public, 0 default - for ivars and methods
false value STATIC? \ true if following ivars are to be static
0 value ^COMP_CLASS \ addr of the class we're currently compiling
0 value PIVAR \ hashed name of any public ivar we're accessing
0 value PIVSEL \ hashed selector of any msg being sent to
\ to a public ivar
0 value NEWOBJECT \ addr of object being created
0 value #SUP \ number of superclasses for current class
false value REC? \ Are we compiling a record?
false value UNION? \ Are we compiling a union in a record?
0 value UNIONOFFS \ Base offset of the current union
0 value emb_obj_offs \ used in inline binding - deliberately
\ a different name to emb_obj_offs
\ in qClass so we don't get confused
initID constant INITID
: ILFA ( infa -- ilfa ) inline{ 4+} ;
: ^ICLASS ( infa -- ^class | 0 )
8 + dup @ NIF drop 0 ELSE @abs ?>classInMod THEN ;
: IOFFS ( infa -- ioffs ) inline{ 12 + w@} ;
: I#ELS ( infa -- #els ) inline{ 14 + w@} ;
: IFFA ( infa -- iffa ) inline{ 16 +} ;
: ^NEXTIVAR \ ( infa -- infa' )
ilfa displace ;
: >OBJ \ ( xt -- addr ) xt results from ticking an object, or the
\ equivalent (ticking an object isn't really legal). Returns
\ the object's data address. On the 68k this was just 8+,
\ but here we have to go from the code to the data area.
2+ @abs ;
: OBJ> \ ( addr -- xt | 0 ) takes an obj's base addr, and returns the
\ xt of its dic entry, or zero if none.
12 - dup @ IF @abs ELSE drop 0 THEN ;
ppc? not
[IF] \ the PPC versions of these are in pnuc4
: CLASS? ( xt -- xt b )
dup 2- w@
dup $ BC1D = swap $ BC2D = or ; \ class_h or class_in_mod_h are OK
: CHKCLASS \ ( xt -- xt )
class? ?EXIT
.id space 80 die ;
: >classRP { ^obj \ ^class tmp -- ^classRP | -- 0 }
(* Takes an object address and returns the address of the reloc pointer
to the class (which will be somewhere in front of the object's data).
Returns zero if the passed-in address isn't an object address.
Needs to work for heap as well as dictionary objects. The test is very
unlikely (maybe 1/2**24) to indicate a non-object as being an object.
To save time we don't do a conservative check on ^obj actually being a
legal address (unlike ALIGNED_ADDR?), apart from checking that it is aligned,
which is a very quick check. This means we may crash if an aligned but
illegal address is passed in. The presumption is that it really is an
object address, and that anything else is a comparatively unlikely error.
false \ guilty until proven innocent
^obj 3 and ?EXIT \ if not aligned, it can't be an obj addr
^obj -> theObj \ save obj addr in theObj - needed sometimes
^obj 4 - w@x -> tmp \ grab ^class offset
tmp 3 and ?EXIT \ which must be aligned
tmp $ FF00 and $ FF00 = 0EXIT \ and must be $FFxx
^obj 4 - ++> tmp \ now tmp points to the reloc class ptr
drop tmp \ which is what we return
: classRP>class { ^classRP -- ^class | -- 0 }
\ Takes the address of a class reloc pointer, and returns the
\ real class address, going into a module if necessary.
\ Returns zero if the reloc pointer doesn't point to a class.
^classRP @abs class?
NIF drop 0 EXIT THEN \ if not a class, orig addr wasn't an obj addr
\ ?>classInMod - no modules in target compilation
: >CLASS { ^obj \ ^class tmp -- ^class | -- 0 }
(* Converts an object address to its class address, going into a module if
necessary. Returns zero if the passed-in address isn't an object address.
For other comments, see >classRP.
^obj >classRP dup 0EXIT \ out with zero if not a legal object
: ?>CLASS ( ^obj -- ^class )
>class dup NIF 81 die THEN ; \ If no legal class ptr, probably
\ not an obj addr at all!
: ?CLASS \ Error if not compiling a class definition.
cstate NIF 115 die THEN ;
PPC? not
(* The following offsets refer to where a ^class points, i.e. the cfa
of the class. They're a bit different on the PPC. And here in
cg-class in 68k mode, I can't use inlines since I've already
redefined inline{ to compile PPC stuff, and it's immediate!
In PPC mode, I'm defining these in pnuc4, since they're needed
by (findM) which comes there.
MFA_offset picks one of the 8 method threads, given a selID.
The selID is probably not very random in the low byte (since
selectors all end in ":", so we hash it a little more then pick
the 3 bits from the result which are already in the right position.
Note: it took a surprising amount of trial and error to get a
good extra hash for this particular use!
: MFA_offset ( selID ^class -- selID ^class MFA_offset )
dup 5 >> +
$ 1C and 2 + ;
\ 34 constant IFA_offset *** we can't use CONSTANT here in qClass!
: FFA ; \ Flags
: MFA ( SelID ^Class -- SelID MFA ) MFA_offset + ;
: IFA 34 + ; \ ivar link
: DFA 40 + ; \ Data len (2 bytes),
\ width of indexed elts (2 bytes)
: XOFFA 44 + ; \ offset to ivar with indexing offset for
\ large_obj_arrays
: SFA 46 + ; \ Superclass N-way pointer
\ 46 constant classSize \ total size of class info up to N-way
: into_flags { new_flags -- }
?class ^comp_class ffa dup w@ new_flags or swap w! ;
: CAN_BE_GPR $ 30 into_flags ;
: CAN_BE_FPR $ 40 into_flags ;
: CAN_BE_VR $ 50 into_flags ;
: ALIGNMENT ( n -- ) 8 << into_flags ; \ n is power of 2
\ for our 68k compilation, there aren't any modules. The real versions
\ are in pnuc3.
PPC? not
: ?>classinMod ;
: ?unholdMod ;
: xcan_be_gpr can_be_gpr ;
: (^DLEN) \ ( ^obj -- ^datalen ) This is a low-level word which should
\ normally only be used in the Mops system stuff. Note it
\ takes ^obj, not ^class, and it doesn't do a module check
\ - it assumes the class is in the same segment as the object.
?>class dfa ;
: (DLEN&XWID) ( ^class -- dlen xwid ) \ Assumes ^class is the true class
dfa dup w@ swap 2+ w@ ; \ address, not main dictionary address
\ of exported class in module
\ Only intended for internal use!
: DLEN&XWID ( ^class -- dlen xwid )
?unHoldMod ;
: DLEN dlen&xwid drop ;
: XWID dlen&xwid nip ;
: IVARLEN inline{ dlen} ; \ an alias for dlen
: IVARLEN dlen ;
: OBJLEN \ ( -- objlen ) Computes total data length of current object.
^base (^dlen) dup w@ \ ivar len
swap 2+ w@ ?dup
IF \ we're indexed
swap #off-align 6 + swap \ add len of indexed header
idxBase 4- @ 1+ * + \ and len of indexed elements
: ?>MAINDIC { ^class -- '^class }
\ If ^class is exported from a module, we return the main dic
\ equivalent. If it's not exported, we return it unchanged.
\ We need this word since for exported classes, we need to use the
\ imported address (in the main dictionary) as the class pointer
\ in a new object or an ivar dic entry (so that the module will be
\ invoked properly when a method is sent to the object.
^class ffa 1+ c@ 2 and
IF ^class >name n>count sfind drop
ELSE ^class
: LARGE_OBJ_ARRAY_CHECK { ^class offs \ xoffs -- offs xdispl-offs }
\ Following <findM> or <IVfindM>, we check if this is a large_obj_array,
\ in which case we might have to map the obj/ivar into the indexed area:
^class xoffa w@ -> xoffs \ offs where remapping ends - are we before that?
^class searchedClass <>
offs xoffs < and
IF \ yes - remapping necessary. Return offs to xdispl ivar
offs xoffs 12 +
ELSE \ no - normal case - just return zero
offs 0
: <findM> { selID ^class \ xt offs -- xt offs xdispl-offs }
(* Factored out from clFindm and objFindm. Finds a method's cfa given a
selID and a class address, *which has already been converted to a module
addr if necessary*.
offs will be nonzero if the method turns out to belong to a superclass
with a non-zero offset in the object - i.e. an embedded object.
If it's a large_obj_array, and the object is in the indexed area,
xdispl-offs will be nonzero. This allows the caller to compile
code to add the offset to the selected element.
^class -> objClass \ used in error msgs and inline binding
selID ^class MFA_offset true (findm)
NIF cr ^class .id 108 die \ "method not found"
[ ppc? not ]
4+ \ (findm) on 68k returns 68k method cfa - on PPC the
\ equivalent is 4 bytes later - same as the xt of a
\ colon defn.
-> xt -> offs
offs -> emb_obj_offs \ may need this in inline binding
^class offs large_obj_array_check
: <findIV> { selID ^class \ ^ivar offs -- ^ivar offs xdispl-offs T | -- F }
(* Basic routine to look for an ivar. It's not an error if we don't find it,
so we return a flag.
selID ^class 34 ( IFA_offset )
false (findm) NIF false EXIT THEN
[ ppc? not ] [if] 8 - [then] \ 68k (findm) returns ^ivar + 8
-> ^ivar -> offs \ note - (findm) has returned the base
\ offs here - zero if not mult inherited
^ivar 12 + w@ ++> offs
^class offs large_obj_array_check
: ClFindM { selID ^class -- cfa offs xdispl-offs }
(* finds a method's cfa given a selID and a class address, which hasn't
been checked for being in a module. The returned results are as
described above for <findM>.
^class ?>classInMod -> ^class
selID ^class <findM>
: ObjFindM { selID ^obj \ ^class -- xt offs xdispl-offs
| -- xt offs 0 }
(* Finds a method's xt given a selID and an obj addr. The returned
results are as described above for <findM>.
^obj >class -> ^class \ will go into a module if nec
^class NIF 81 die THEN \ "not an object"
selID ^class <findM>
: IVFindM \ ( selID ^ivar -- xt offs xdispl-offs )
\ Looks for a method in an ivar.
\ Now we get the ivar's class - in the case of SELF, on the PPC it's
\ tricky to put the current class into the dummy ivar info for SELF,
\ but we can always tell if it's SELF from the offset.
dup 12 + w@x -1 =
IF \ it's self - class is what we're compiling
drop ^comp_class
8 + @abs \ get addr of class from ivar info
clFindm ;
(* ivFind is called when we've parsed a selector. It determines if the next
word is an ivar.
Note: if found, <findIV> returns the equivalent of the cfa of
a method, which for ivars, is the addr of the class pointer.
: ivFind { str-addr -- ^ivar offs xdispl-offs T | -- str-addr F }
cstate NIF false EXIT THEN
hash ^comp_class <findIV> \ ( ^ivar offs xdispl-offs T | F )
IF true
ELSE [ ppc? ] [if] CDP [else] DP [then] false
PPC? not
[IF] \ want to get rid of conditional compilation via ppc_only ,
\ but stymied by call to PFind! The following will be
\ duplicated in zClass.
\ TOfind looks for a temp (local) object.
: TOfind { str-addr -- ^ivar offs T | -- str-addr F }
tmpObjs NIF false EXIT THEN
tmpObjs <findIV>
IF drop \ xdispl-offs must be zero for class Dummy
ELSE str-addr false
LocFind will be called from Ufind, which is the vector that gets first
shot at recognizing a word.
It looks at all the possibilities involving local names, which are
not in the regular dictionary. These possibilities are: named parms/locals,
local objects, and if a class is being compiled, ivars of this class.
In the latter case, we arrange for the ivar's address to
be pushed at run time simply by compiling ^base followed by an add of the
ivar's offset - our code generation will produce optimal code for this.
We then have to return the xt of some word to keep FIND happy - we don't
need to compile anything else, so we use the xt of NULL and return a 1
instead of True - this makes FIND think it's immediate. So NULL is
executed immediately, which does precisely nothing.
The one exception to this is if the "ivar" turns out to be SELF or SUPER
- in this case we need to call the nucleus word SELF which works out
the right base address (this is what happened pre-2.5). Here we keep
FIND happy by pushing the xt of SELF and True, so that it sees we've
found SELF.
: LocFind \ ( str-addr -- cfa T | -- str-addr F )
Pfind ?dup ?EXIT \ Found a named parm/local
IF \ Found temp obj
drop \ Don't need its dic addr
postpone locReg postpone literal postpone +
['] null 1 EXIT
\ Now we look for an ivar name
cstate NIF false EXIT THEN \ search fails if we're not compiling
\ a class
dup hash ^comp_class 34 ( IFA_offset ) false (findM)
IF \ Found ivar
nip nip \ don't need embedded obj offs or
\ string addr
4+ w@ \ ivar offset
dup $ FFFE >= \ is it SELF or SUPER (just used in
\ isolation)?
IF drop
" (^base) 4- dup w@x + 8 +" evaluate \ i.e. SELF - but I can't evaluate
\ that, or we'll end up here again
\ and infinitely recurse!
postpone (^base) postpone literal postpone +
['] null 1
ELSE false
: ILFA ( infa -- ilfa ) 4+ ;
: ^ICLASS ( infa -- ^class | 0 )
8 + dup @ NIF drop 0 ELSE @abs ?>classInMod THEN ;
: IOFFS ( infa -- ioffs ) 12 + w@ ;
: I#ELS ( infa -- #els ) 14 + w@ ;
: IFFA ( infa -- iffa ) 16 + ;
: ^NEXTIVAR \ ( infa -- infa' )
ilfa displace ;
: EX-METHOD { ^obj xt -- }
meth_seg# 9 >
IF \ method's in a module
IF meth_seg# comp_seg#
ELSE meth_seg# mod_seg#
IF \ we're changing modules
^obj xt meth_seg# segTable_entry 4+ @ meth_seg# (meth_in_mod)
^obj -> rY xt execute
(* We use a cache to speed up late binding. A hit means we get there in
150 instructions or so instead of 500, including the EXECUTE stuff.
LB_cache entry format:
4 bytes class reloc ptr
4 bytes selID
4 bytes method xt
2 bytes offs
2 bytes xdispl_offs
2 bytes meth_seg# for target method
variable LB_cache 512 reservex
0 value #hits
0 value ^entry
true value use_LB_cache? \ for debugging
0 value cache_dbgr \ ditto
: find_in_cache? { classRP selID \ offs addr -- true | -- false }
classRP selID xor $ 1E0 and \ 16-way hash, 32-byte blocks
LB_cache + -> addr
use_LB_cache? nif false exit then
addr @ classRP =
IF addr 4+ @ selID =
IF \ found!
1 ++> #hits
addr 8 + @ \ meth xt
addr 12 + w@ \ offs
addr 14 + w@ \ xdispl_offs
addr 16 + w@ -> meth_seg#
true EXIT
addr -> ^entry
: SEND { ^obj selID \ classRP svMC svMD addr -- }
\ Executes a method given the object addr and the hashed
\ selector. Used in late binding.
\ Can also be used if you have a dynamically determined
\ method ID.
^obj >classRP @ -> classRP
classRP selID find_in_cache?
^entry -> addr
selID ^obj objFindM \ ( xt offs xdispl-offs | xt offs 0 )
classRP addr !
selID addr 4+ !
meth_seg# addr 16 + w!
dup addr 14 + w!
over addr 12 + w!
2 pick addr 8 + !
IF ^obj + dup @ + +
ELSE ^obj +
\ ( xt ^obj' )
swap ex-method
PPC? not
\ ========================
\ ========================
(* Note: I think our obj_ind value might become obsolete on the PPC, since
we don't now use an indirect count in an OD, but just do repeated fetches
to different registers till we come to the data we want.
On the 68k, as far as I can tell, the only time obj_ind wasn't zero was
when we did an early bind to an addr on the stack, or to an objPtr (which
used the same code). This was also the reason we kept two offsets
- obj_displ and obj_local_displ. Obj_displ applied before any indirection
steps, and obj_local_displ after. I think on the PPC these complexities
might be able to go away.
: (OBJ) \ Called from within an inline method. Passes the object's
\ base and displacement to Handlers to generate the correct
\ address. Optimization will then apply.
obj_base obj_displ
obj_ind genaddr
obj_local_displ postpone literal postpone + ;
: (IX)
(* Called from within an inline method. Compiles code to generate
the indexed address.
^comp_class has been set by inl_bind to the class of the obj
we're binding to. One tricky point is that to access the indexed
area, we have to use the dlen value in this class, not the class
of the method we're calling (which may be a superclass). But
the obj_local_displ has already had the embedded object offset
added in (if any). We have to ignore this, since we're using
the object's class, not the method's. When the method was found,
the value emb_obj_offs was set to this offset, so we subtract
it here.
^comp_class dlen&xwid swap
IF drop -1 ELSE #off-align 6 + THEN
obj_base obj_displ obj_local_displ
emb_obj_offs -
obj_ind ^comp_class ffa w@
genxaddr ;
IF (obj)
ELSE postpone (^base)
THEN ; immediate
IF (ix)
ELSE " (^elem)" evaluate \ need PPC version
THEN ; immediate
: OBJ postpone ^base ; immediate \ for backward compatibility
: IX postpone ^elem ; immediate \ ditto
local EARLY_BIND { oCfa oBase oDispl oLDispl oind slf? -- }
: INL_BIND \ ( -- b )
^comp_class cstate self? \ Save over upcoming evaluate
slf? NIF objClass -> ^comp_class THEN \ Set ^comp_class and cstate
true -> cstate \ so ivars are accessible
slf? -> self?
oCfa inline_h
-> self? -> cstate -> ^comp_class \ Restore
oCfa (obj) call_h ; \ call_h will see by the handler code
\ that this is a method, and do the
\ right things
:loc EARLY_BIND \ { oCfa oBase oDispl oLDispl oind slf? -- }
obj_base obj_displ obj_local_displ obj_ind \ Save
oBase -> obj_base oDispl -> obj_displ
OLdispl -> obj_local_displ oind -> obj_ind
oCfa 2- w@ $ BD40 =
IF inl_bind
ELSE norm_bind
-> obj_ind -> obj_local_displ
-> obj_displ -> obj_base \ Restore
: BIND_TO_OBJ { cfa ^obj offs -- }
-1 \ -1 as "base" signals handlers to generate
^obj \ a normal dic addr. We still carry the
\ offs here since if we need to access the
\ indexed area, we want the original obj addr,
\ not some embedded object.
offs 0 false early_bind ;
: BIND_TO_STK ( xt -- )
hStkObj 0 0 false early_bind ;
: BIND_TO_IVAR { cfa offs -- }
cfa obj_base obj_displ
obj_local_displ offs +
obj_ind false early_bind ;
: BIND_TO_TMPOBJ { cfa offs -- }
4 \ locReg = D4 - %%% this will HAVE to change!!!
0 0 false early_bind ;
: BIND_TO_SELF { cfa offs -- }
cfa obj_base obj_displ offs obj_ind true early_bind ;
\ ===========================
\ ===========================
\ forward INIT_IN_MOD \ in zModules
: INIT_OBJ { ^class ^obj \ xt offs -- }
(* Performs CLASSINIT: method on object.
Note, and this is important, we deliberately don't
check if the offset would put us into the indexed area of a large_obj_array.
This is because we don't want to send CLASSINIT: individually to each of the
indexed elements, but instead we just send it to the base element. Then,
CLASSINIT: in the large_obj_array class copies this to the indexed elements.
In fact, we exploit this behaviour in setting up the code generator -
GPRs etc. are initialized via deep_classinit:, which calls init_obj here.
If we'd just done SEND, we would have tried to go into the indexed area,
and this would fail since the structure isn't set up yet!!
So this is why we don't just call SEND here - we have to bypass the normal
method lookup process.
\ heldMod IF ^class ^obj init_in_mod EXIT THEN
\ \ if it's in a module, zModules will handle
initID ^class MFA_offset true (findm)
drop \ is guaranteed to find CLASSINIT: method
-> xt -> offs
offs ++> ^obj \ modify obj addr by offs (needed in case
\ method is defined in any superclass
\ but the first)
^obj xt ex-method \ execute classinit:
\ For the target compilation, we can't send CLASSINIT: since we're still
\ running on the 68k. So INIT_OBJ is just a dummy. We arrange things
\ so that this doesn't matter for the stuff we're target compiling.
: INIT_OBJ ( theClass theObj -- )
2drop ;
: MAKE_HDRS ( #els ) { ^class ^obj \ len wid ^xarea -- }
\ assumes ^class is the true class address, not
\ the main dictionary address of an exported class
\ if theClass is not indexed, there should be no #els on the stack
0 -> ^xarea
^class (dlen&xwid) -> wid -> len
\ first the xdesc (indexed area header), if indexed object
len #off-align -> len
^obj len + \ xdesc address: after ivars
dup 6 + -> ^xarea \ indexed hdr will be 6 bytes - save
\ indexed area addr
( #els ^xdesc ) wid over w! \ two bytes: indexed width
( #els ^xdesc ) swap 1- swap 2+ ! \ four bytes: limit ( #els-1)
len 8 + \ self-rel offset from class ptr to indexed
\ area to be put in obj header
ELSE 2 \ standard offset if not indexed
\ now the obj header itself. Note we leave the back ptr to the dic entry
\ alone, since it's been set already (or needs to remain zero, as the case
\ may be).
( offs ) ^obj 2- w! \ 2 bytes: offset to indexed area
\ calculated above
^class ?>maindic \ don't store module addr of class!
false -> relocChk? \ obj address could be in the heap!
( ^comp_class ) ^obj 8 - reloc! \ 4 bytes: relocatable class pointer
true -> relocChk?
-4 ^obj 4- w! \ 2 bytes: offset to class pointer --
\ always -4 for non-embedded object
0 value bugtest
forward IVSETUP
: NW_IVSETUP { ^nway baseOffs EOoffs \ initEOoffs supClass supOffs adr -- }
(* Sets up the groups of ivars for each superclass of the current object/ivar
being processed. One group for each super of a multiply inherited object.
Each group we call an "embedded object", which sort of describes what it is.
On entry ^nway points to the first superclass pointer in the n-way defining
the multiple inheritance. We repeat the procedure for each superclass until
the end marker (zero) is encountered. If the superclass is the pseudoclass
Meta we don't do anything since it does not have any ivars.
baseOffs is the position of the current object/ivar's data space relative
to newObject, the current top-level object being created.
EOoffs is the offset from newObj at which the current embedded object
starts. When an embedded object starts at a non-zero EOoffs, we put in
front of it a 2-byte offset to the class pointer. Note that if the
multiply inherited object is an ivar, there may not be a class pointer!
This doesn't matter, since it's better for multiply inherited
objects to always have the same format, wherever they are, and any attempt
to use the class pointer offset to get the (nonexistent) class pointer
will most probably be caught by our checks.
\ we send classinit: separately to each superclass.
EOoffs -> initEOoffs
^nway @abs ?>classInMod -> supClass \ may hold a mod
supClass c@ $ 80 and \ is it META (which we don't call
\ ivSetup on, to end the recursion)?
baseOffs EOoffs +
initEOoffs - \ Start of dataspace of this
-> supOffs \ superclass
supClass ifa displace \ infa of first ivar of supClass
supOffs EOoffs ivSetup
supClass newObject supOffs + init_obj
?unholdMod \ now finished with the mod
1cell ++> ^nway
^nway @
WHILE \ another class coming up - first store 2-byte ^class offset
\ and 2-byte indexed area offset. We have to 4-byte align
\ first.
supClass dfa w@ \ dlen of supClass. Faster than using DLEN
#align4 ++> EOoffs \ align - offsets will go here
EOoffs negate 8 - \ ^class offset for store
EOoffs initEOoffs - \ offset not already included in baseOffs
baseOffs + newObject + -> adr \ final addr for where offsets to be stored
adr w!
newObject baseOffs +
2- w@ 2 <> \ is object indexed?
newObject baseOffs + 2- wdisplace adr 2+ wdispl!
\ yes - store xarea offs
2 adr 2+ w! \ no - store 2
4 ++> EOoffs \ update EOoffs for next embedded obj
:f IVSETUP { infa baseOffs EOoffs \ ivOffs ivClass -- }
(* Recursively traverses the tree of nested ivar definitions in a class,
building headers and indexed area headers where necessary and applying
the CLASSINIT: method to each ivar.
On entry infa is the nfa of the first ivar in the ivar dictionary of the
object/ivar whose (sub)ivars we are to set up. The dictionary chain is
followed to the end, the last link pointing to the Nway superclass pointer.
baseOffs is the position of the current object/ivar's data space relative
to newObject, the current top-level object being created.
EOoffs is non-zero if the ivar whose subivars we are to set up is part
of an "embedded object", ie. is inherited from a superclass, and this
superclass is not the first super of the current top-level object.
This is given on unmodified in any recursive call and used only by
NW_IVSETUP to calculate the offset to the class pointer.
When this word is called, if the object/ivar's class is in a module,
the module will be held. In some circumstances the caller still needs it.
The recursive call might require another module to be held, so we have to
save and restore any module held on entry.
heldMod \ If class is in module it must not get unheld
\ while processing so keep address on the stack
0 -> heldMod \ and clear heldMod so it cannot be unheld
infa @ 0> \ A selector is always negative, so a
\ positive value means the N-way superclass
\ pointer area ( superclass adresses ),
\ the endpoint of the ivar dictionary chain
NWHILE \ build this ivar in object
infa iffa w@ 2 and \ Static ivar? -> not in obj (bit 1)
NIF infa ioffs \ Offset of ivar in owning object
baseoffs + -> ivOffs \ Position relative to newObject
infa ^iclass -> ivClass \ May cause another module to be held
infa iffa w@ 1 and \ Does it want headers? -> flag bit 0
IF infa i#els dup NIF drop THEN
newObject ivOffs + \ address where headers must be made
\ ?Rdepth \ Check on recursion depth
ivClass ifa displace \ Infa of first subivar in
\ chain of the currently
\ processed ivar object
ivOffs \ New base offset of subivar
ivClass newObject ivOffs + init_obj
infa ^nextivar -> infa
infa baseOffs EOoffs NW_ivSetup \ set up superclasses
( Heldmod ) -> HeldMod
\ =================================
\ =================================
\ HASHED-HDR lays down the dic header for an ivar or method.
\ The format is:
\ 4 bytes hash
\ 4 bytes link (self-relative addr of prev entry)
\ This entry has to become the first on the chain, so we pass in the
\ addr of the chain header.
: HASHED-HDR \ ( chain-hdr hash-val -- )
code, \ comma in hash value
dup -> prev_link \ save this in case a method gets moved
dup displace \ get abs addr of prev entry
displCode, \ comma it in as self-relative addr
CDP 8 - swap displ! \ update chain header
forward DIC-OBJ
: class_align ( n ^class -- n' )
ffa w@ 8 >> $ F and ?dup 0EXIT
: IVDEF ( #els ) { iclass \ #els wid siz clOffs flags ^ccf -- }
\ Compiles an ivar dictionary entry. If indexed, must have
\ < 64K elements. iclass is the ivar's class. The class of
\ which this is an ivar, is pointed to by ^comp_class .
pub/priv 1 = 4 and -> flags \ initial flags - set bit 2 if we're public
[ ppc? ]
iclass flags register_check -> flags
\ update flags appropriately if this is a temp
\ object in a register
^comp_class ffa dup -> ^ccf
w@ $ F00 and
iclass ffa w@ $ F00 and max
^ccf w@ $ F0FF and or ^ccf w!
ivFind IF 117 die THEN \ same name as another ivar
drop \ drop string addr
iclass xwid -> wid \ indexed width of ivar class
iclass dlen -> siz \ non-indexed size of this ivar
\ The initial offset is the current dlen of the class.
^comp_class dfa w@ -> clOffs
^comp_class ifa
[ ppc? ]
[if] CDP [else] DP [then]
hash hashed-hdr \ dic header for ivar
iclass ?>mainDic relocCode, \ class addr (reloc)
\ Now we need to comma in the 2-byte offset to the ivar within
\ the class. First we need to make some adjustments...
iclass ffa 1+ c@ 4 and \ general?
IF union? IF 190 die THEN
THEN \ (can't have a general object in a union)
rec? not or \ or not in a record?
wid or \ or indexed?
IF \ Yes - in this case there'll be a 12-byte object
\ header which must be 4-byte aligned no matter
\ what, since the header has 4-byte fields.
clOffs #align4 -> clOffs \ align
obj_hdr_length ++> clOffs \ obj's data will start 12 bytes later
\ than otherwise
1 or> flags \ and we'll mark this in the ivar flags
\ so make_hdrs will do the right thing.
ELSE \ No obj header. Alignment depends on the ivar size.
\ Note that if the ivar class is multiply inherited
\ with >1 superclass of non-zero length, the ivar
\ size will always be >1.
IF siz 1 > IF #align2 THEN
siz 2 >
IF #align4
siz 1 > IF #align2 THEN
-> clOffs
\ but finally, if the class is asking for special alignment, we do that!
[ ppc? ]
clOffs iclass class_align -> clOffs
clOffs codeW,
IF \ Indexed. Stack has #els. We calculate the indexed
\ length of this ivar and increment clOffs. We need
\ to off-align the non-indexed length, since the xdesc
\ is 6 bytes long with a 2-byte/4-byte layout.
-> #els
siz #off-align -> siz \ must off-align the non-indexed size, since
\ the indexed hdr is 6 bytes long
#els codeW, \ Add #els to ivar dic entry
#els wid * \ Get indexed length
6 + \ Add 6 for xdesc length %%%%
++> clOffs \ Add to clOffs
ELSE \ Not indexed.
0 codeW,
IF 2 or> flags
siz ++> clOffs \ Bump clOffs by non-indexed size of ivar
flags codeW,
0 codeW, \ dummy for alignment
(* Now we'll update the class dLen field by whatever we're allocating for this
ivar - it will then be the offset to the next ivar. clOffs has the offset
so far. In the normal case, this is what goes in dLen. If we're in
a union, we MAX it with whatever's already in dLen. This will leave dLen
with the longest union element we've reached so far, which will be the final
value in case we hit the end of the union.
And if this ivar is static, it will live right where we are in the data
area, and not in objects of the class, so in this case we leave dLen alone.
We also do this if the "ivar" is really a temp object, and going into
a register.
unionOffs clOffs max -> unionOffs
flags 8 >> $ F and \ register?
static? or \ or static?
NIF \ neither, so update dLen.
clOffs ^comp_class dfa w!
(* Now we'll check if this ivar is to be static - if so, we'll instantiate
it right now. We put a reloc pointer in the code area, pointing to
the ivar's data in the data area. We leave the back pointer field in
the ivar header zero, since there isn't a readable name in the code
static? 0EXIT
\ in data area:
align4 obj_hdr_length reserve \ align and reserve room for obj header
\ in code area:
0 code,
DP swap reloc! \ store reloc pointer to obj data in data area
wid IF #els THEN
iclass dic-obj
: CL>LEN ( #els ) { ^class \ wid len -- ( #els ) len2 }
\ Gets data length of object given #els and class.
^class dlen&xwid -> wid -> len
IF ( #els ) dup 32766 >
IF ^class ffa 1+ c@ 1 and NIF 185 die THEN
dup wid * 6 + len +
ELSE len
: MAKE_OBJ ( #els ) { ^class ^obj \ svHeldMod -- }
^class ?>classinMod -> ^class \ Need real class address,
\ not main dic equivalent
heldMod -> svHeldMod \ If class is in module it must
\ not get unheld while processing
\ so keep the address and clear
0 -> heldMod \ heldMod so it cannot be unheld
( #els ) ^class ^obj make_hdrs \ Actually #els is optional element
\ on the stack
^obj -> newObject \ base address used by ivSetup
^class ifa displace 0 0 ivSetup
svHeldMod -> heldMod \ held module (if any) no longer needed
^class ^obj init_obj \ do a latebound CLASSINIT:
\ on the object
: OBJ_HDR \ creates a header for an object in the dictionary.
\ in data area:
align4 DP obj_hdr_length reserve \ align and reserve room for obj header
\ in code area:
\ ppc (create) not defined on 68k yet, so
\ we fake it:
$ BC0B codeW, \ handler code for objects. We're now at
\ the cfa, and orig DP on stack.
CDP swap reloc! \ store "back pointer" at start of obj header
0 codeW, \ align
CDP 0 code,
DP swap reloc! \ store reloc pointer to obj data in data area
:f DIC-OBJ ( #els ) { theClass \ ^obj svDP xx -- }
\ Builds an object in the dictionary.
DP -> ^obj \ Where obj data will start
theClass cl>len #align4 \ Required length for obj's data
\ dup room > IF 999 die THEN \ "Not enough room"
reserve \ Allocate space for object
theClass ^obj make_obj \ Set up the object
(* The next word builds an object. On the 68k it's called PPC_OBJ, and
is called from PPC_interpret (in cg6) when it sees the class
handler code BC1D.
On the PPC it's called CREATE_OBJ. When we dispatch on the class
handler code, we go to CLASS_H, which compiles a push of the xt of
the class and then a call to here. This will normally be done in
interpret mode, which means it will be compiled into the execution
buffer and executed straight away. But a class name could be
compiled into a definition and that should work as well.
: create_obj \ ( (#els) ^class -- )
:f ppc_obj \ ( (#els) ^class -- )
cstate IF \ compiling a class
ivDef \ Build an ivar
[ ppc? ] [if]
DP obj_hdr_length + over class_align
obj_hdr_length - -> DP
obj_hdr \ Create object header - returns
\ its data address when called
[ PPC? ]
[IF] ; [ELSE] ;f [THEN]
forward call_h \ the ppc defns of these aren't loaded yet
forward lit_addr
: CLASS_H { xt \ xx -- }
CDP -> xx
xt lit_addr \ compile a push of the xt
['] create_obj call_h
: HASH, \ Compiles hashed word for name at CDP
code_align \ must be aligned
bl word hash code, ;
PPC? not
\ Note: in PPC mode, this code is in zClass and is loaded straight on
\ the PPC, not target compiled (which gets horrendously complicated!).
\ ============================
\ :CLASS etc.
\ ============================
Here we set up some quantities so that we can send messages to SELF
or SUPER. These are treated syntactically as ivars, so to implement
them we actually set up dummy ivars SELF and SUPER.
When we're processing a :CLASS definition, we plug the appropriate
addresses into these ivars. ^SELF is a word defined to return the
addr of the dummy ivar SELF, so we can do the plugging.
In the case of SUPER, there may be several superclasses, so we have
to go through a class descriptor, since that's the only place we look
for an n-way (a set of addresses). So we set the "class" of SUPER
to a dummy class SUPCL, which has no ivars or methods (so the search
will pass right on by), and plug the superclass pointer of SUPCL to
point to the current n-way for the superclasses of the class we're
\ META is the super class of Object - top of all inheritance
Note that SUPCL, META etc. can't be set up before CROSS, since they have
to be in the PPC image. But to set them up we have to have access to
68k definitions. So here with PPC? false, we define a defn that we
can execute after CROSS, which sets everything up before we try to compile
any classes. We just call define_meta and it sets everything up.
: define_meta { \ ^ilink ^supcl -- }
" META" ppc_sHdr
$ BC1D8000 code, \ handler code, flags ($8000 = META)
32 code_reserve \ methods links - no methods
CDP -> ^ilink
0 code, \ ivar link - set to SUPER below
0 code, \ dummy, data len
0 code, \ indexed width, xdispl offs
0 code, \ super pointer
\ Now we set up the SELF and SUPER pseudo-ivars. We set them up exactly
\ as if they'd been declared as regular ivars in META. But note we don't
\ set up any fields past the "offset" field, since they're irrelevant.
" SUPCL" ppc_sHdr
$ BC1D0000 code,
CDP 2- -> ^supcl
32 code_reserve \ methods links - no methods yet
0 code, \ ivar link
0 code, \ padding, dlen
0 code, \ xwid, xdispl-offs
\ note: at superRef below, we need the addr of SUPER, so we tick SUPCL and
\ add the offset to SUPER which is (currently) 46 bytes. So be careful
\ if moving anything!
CDP \ ready for SELF link below
" SUPER" pad place
pad hash code,
0 code, \ empty link
^supcl relocCode, \ ^class is dummy supCl (reloc addr reqd)
$ FFFE codeW, \ "offset" FFFE means SUPER
0 codeW, \ alignment
" SELF" pad place
pad hash code,
swap displCode, \ link (to SUPER)
0 code, \ ^class (gets patched at :CLASS time)
$ FFFF codeW, \ "offset" FFFF means SELF
0 codeW, \ alignment
dup ['] (^self) displ! \ ^SELF will now return addr of SELF ivar
^ilink displ! \ META now has just 2 ivars - SELF and SUPER
\ " ' meta metaAddr reloc!" evaluate
?exec ppc_header $ BC1D codeW,
CDP -> ^comp_class
0 -> pub/priv 0 -> #1st 0 -> #last
false -> rec? false -> union? false -> static?
; immediate
: MERGE_INFO { ^sup ivlen \ ^wid wid prevWid -- dlen }
^sup dlen&xwid -> wid \ indexed width of this superclass
^sup ffa 1+ c@ 5 and \ Merge "general" and "indexed" flags with
^comp_class ffa 1+ cset \ what we have already
wid 0EXIT \ If this superclass not indexed, we're done
\ This class is indexed - we need to check if prev classes were indexed
\ and make sure the widths are compatible.
^comp_class dfa 2+ -> ^wid \ Addr of wid field in class we're building
^wid w@ -> prevWid \ Get previous width
wid 32760 u> \ "indexed width" of 32766/7 really means
IF \ obj_array.
prevWid \ In this case if we already have a width,
IF prevWid -> wid \ we use that,
ELSE wid
ivlen -> wid \ otherwise current ivar len becomes the width.
( old wid ) 32766 =
IF \ large_obj_array - mark boundary between ivars
\ we are/aren't mapping to the indexed area
ivlen #align4 ^comp_class xoffa w!
wid #align4 4+ -> wid \ and allow for ^class offset
\ and indexed area offset
\ before each element
NIF wid ^wid w! \ If no prev width, set width & we're done
ELSE prevWid wid <> ?error 88 \ "Incompatible indexed widths"
local (SUP) { \ ^supcl ivlen ^nway ^sup ^newClass thisLen -- }
: NEXT_SUPER ( cfa -- )
chkClass -> ^sup
^sup relocCode, \ Add ^class to n-way
^sup ivlen merge_info -> thisLen
#sup IF \ If this is a subsequent class,
ivlen #align4 4+ -> ivlen \ align and allow for ^class offset and
\ 2 extra bytes padding
thisLen ++> ivlen \ And add ivar length of new class
1 ++> #sup ;
BEGIN \ Loop over superclasses:
' \ cfa of next item on list
}or)? IF drop EXIT THEN
( cfa ) next_super \ handle next superclass
1super? ?EXIT \ Yerk has only one superclass
:loc (SUP)
307 ?pairs \ Make sure we're in the right place
CDP -> ^newClass
46 ( classSize ) code_reserve \ Space for class record
CDP -> ^nway \ n-way for superclasses will
0 -> ivlen 0 -> #sup \ start here
^newClass 2+ 32 bounds
DO ^nway i displ! 4 +LOOP \ point methods links to nway
^nway ^newClass IFA displ! \ and ivars link
false -> relocChk?
supers_loop \ Loop over superclasses
0 code, \ Terminate n-way
" SUPCL" sFind drop -> ^supcl
^supcl 2+ 32 bounds
DO ^nway i displ! 4 +LOOP \ we point the method and ivar links
^nway \ in supcl to the n-way
^supcl IFA displ!
^comp_class xoffa w@
" SUPCL" sFind drop xoffa w! \ and set xoffs in supCl
ivlen ^comp_class dfa w! \ Set total ivar length
^comp_class ^self 8 + reloc! \ Store ^class in SELF
true -> relocChk?
postpone ]c \ In a class definition
: SUPER{ false -> 1super? (sup) ; immediate
\ : SUPER( postpone super{ ; immediate
\ : <SUPER true -> 1super? (sup) ; immediate
\ For compatibility with Yerk -- only looks for 1 superclass
: (;CL)
postpone [ postpone c[
0 ^self 8 + ! ;
(;cl) 308 ?defn ; immediate
: M_HEADER { selID -- } \ Builds a method header and entry sequence.
\ Note: also called from the assembler.
selID ^comp_class MFA selID hashed-hdr \ Build header
drop \ drop extra selID (needed by MFA)
pub/priv -1 = 1 and codeW, \ public/private flag (default is public)
0 codeW, \ padding for alignment
$ BE400000 code, \ "handler code" for PPC methods,
\ and initial flag bytes
CDP -> thisM \ Remember method cfa
\ 0 codeW, \ space for parm flags (or do it in Mentry?)
\ Mentry ; \ Compile the entry sequence
: :M { \ selID -- } \ Starts compiling a method.
true -> method?
rec? ?error 191 \ unmatched '{' in ivar list
0 -> superM
getSelect -> selID
10 -> cstate \ Means we've read :m, no call_1st yet
(* selID ^class 2 (findm) \ is method already defined?
-> superM
IF cr 0 -> out
here count type type# 182 \ "Method redefined"
NIF superM ^class > ?error 183 THEN \ - but if in same class, error
get1st&last ?unHoldMod
CDP -> const_data_start
selID m_header \ Build method header
#1st #last +
IF $ 80 thisM 7 - cset THEN \ set call1st/callLast flag
$ 74 -> obj_base \ $60 + $14. $60 says it's a PPC reg
\ number, and gpr20 is obj base reg
0 -> obj_displ \ For any inline method calls
false ppc_entry \ Start to compile the method
\ we don't want to export any leaf methods, since we don't know anything
\ about them at the point of call. This might be a bit of overkill, but
\ we'll fix the problem by not having any leaf methods in modules! I don't
\ think it's worth trying anything cleverer.
[ ppc? ] [if]
compmod IF false -> leaf? THEN
drop 305 \ change security marker to say method
doCall1st ; immediate \ Compile any Call1st calls first
: ;M
curr-def 2- (;)
#last IF true -> method? doCallLast defnEnd false -> method? THEN
0 -> #1st 0 -> #last
305 ?defn ; immediate
\ ============== Local sections for methods ==============
\ These function just like regular local sections. The implementation
\ is nearly the same.
: MLOCAL \ Starts a local section for methods
local? ?error 93 1 -> local? \ We change it to the normal -1
\ as soon as "{" is read.
postpone :m drop
postpone [
CDP -> mloc_addr
$ 48000000 code, \ uncond branch to be resolved by :mloc
private ;
public ?loc getSelect drop
CDP -> const_data_start
$ BE030000 code, \ marks this as the :mloc position
\ (just for disassembly)
false -> local? \ so entry sequence gets compiled
false ppc_entry \ handle ppc proc entry
drop 309 \ security marker for :mloc
mloc_addr -> curr-def
-> curr-def
frameSize IF initTemps THEN
; immediate
309 ?defn
false -> leaf? \ let's just reduce the bug possibilities!
mloc_addr 2- (;)
#last IF true -> method? doCallLast defnEnd false -> method? THEN
0 -> #1st 0 -> #last
curr-def mloc_addr - \ finally we resolve the forward branch
mloc_addr +! \ from LOCAL
; immediate
\ ================ INDEXED, GENERAL etc. =================
\ These are words which can appear in a class declaration, in the
\ position
\ :class someClass super{ someSuper } general
\ They add attributes to the class.
: INDEXED \ ( width -- ) Sets a class and its subclasses to indexed
?class ^comp_class dfa 2+ w! ;
: LARGE ; \ in effect, this always applies on the PPC
(* Sets the "general" option on a class, which will force an ivar of that class
to be a general object with a class pointer (so it can be late-bound to) even
if it's within a record. Normally you should just not put such ivars in a
record, but using GENERAL gives a bit of extra security, for classes for which
you know that they will definitely be late-bound to. (An attempt to late-bind
to an ivar without a class pointer will give the "not an object" error at run
time, which isn't easy to track down.)
Note that indexed classes are always general anyway. Also if there's a message
sent to [self] somewhere in one of the methods, we know that the class *must*
be general, so in this case we simply set the general attribute.
\ ?class ^comp_class ffa 1+ dup c@ 4 or swap c! ;
4 into_flags ;
\ ===========================
\ ===========================
\ First, here are the special-purpose things which can follow a selector.
\ These can't appear in isolation.
\ We allow ** and [] as synonyms of [ ] to late-bind to whatever is on the
\ stack. Note: [] is used in JForth.
\ We also allow [self] as a synonym of [ self ]
: ]
hide dfrSelID 1 = IF postpone ] EXIT THEN \ if no late bind, this is a
\ standard Forth ]
dfrSelID NIF 187 die THEN \ late bound pubilc ivar reference
\ not implemented yet!
IF 251 ?pairs dfrSelID postpone literal
" send" evaluate \ need PPC version of SEND
ELSE $ deadbeef $ 106 db \ shouldn't happen
dfrSelID send
1 -> dfrSelID ; immediate
(* REFTOKEN ( -- cfa tokenType | -- various type )
is called when we've parsed a selector - it determines the type of the
following word.
The order of checking determines the priority of names. Up to 2.6 we
checked for locals first, but this was a bad idea since a local could
have the same name as an object, and implicit late binding to locals
was legal. This wouldn't show up until a crash at run time. So now we
check for temp objects, then ivars, then locals IF implcit_late_bind? is
"various" will be the cfa of whatever came after the selector, or
( offset ^ivar ) for ivars and temp objects (which are treated as ivars
of the class Dummy).
: REFTOKEN \ ( -- cfa tokenType | -- various type )
false -> need_class?
Mword \ grab next word
TOfind IF tmpObjTyp EXIT THEN \ check for temp object
IVfind IF ivarTyp EXIT THEN \ check for ivar
IF Pfind IF locTyp EXIT THEN \ check for named parm/locals
( here ) dup thread dup @ + (find) 0= ?error 125
dup ['] ** = IF lbTyp EXIT THEN
dup ['] [] = IF lbTyp EXIT THEN
dup ['] [ = IF bktTyp EXIT THEN
dup ['] [self] = IF lbSelfTyp EXIT THEN
dup ['] super> = IF superTyp EXIT THEN
dup ['] ivar> = IF pubIvarTyp EXIT THEN
dup ['] class_as> = IF true -> need_class? classTyp EXIT THEN
dup hdlr
objCode OF >obj objTyp ENDOF
classCode OF classTyp ENDOF
-90 OF classTyp ENDOF \ Exported class
objPtrCode OF objPtrTyp ENDOF
valCode OF valTyp ENDOF
wordCode OF wordTyp ENDOF
vectCode OF wordTyp ENDOF
\ Note: here we can treat vectors as words.
126 die \ "Not an object name"
\ but if we got wordTyp or valTyp, it's only legal if implicit_late_bind?
\ is true
implicit_late_bind? ?EXIT \ all OK - done
dup wordTyp = over valTyp = or
IF 126 die THEN
\ These words handle the binding of a selector to whatever follows it.
(* FIX_PIVAR does the housekeeping for accessing a public ivar. When we
encounter msg: ivar> then we store the selector in pivSel, and the
hashed ivar name in pivar. We then continue with a zero "selector",
which signals that it's a public ivar access, and leads to us being
called back here to fix everything up once we've got the class.
: FIX_PIVAR { ^class in_class? \ ^ivar offs xdispl-offs -- cfa offs xdispl-offs }
pivar ^class <findIV> \ ( ^ivar offs xdispl-offs true OR false )
0= ?error 192 \ "ivar not found"
-> xdispl-offs -> offs -> ^ivar
^ivar iffa w@ \ get ivar flags
dup 4 and 0= ?error 193 \ ivar not public
2 and \ static flag
IF 0= ?error 197 \ ivar not static
ELSE ?error 195 \ wrong syntax for public static ivar
\ now we find the method in the ivar's class
pivSel ^ivar ivFindm drop \ %%% don't worry about large_obj_arrays
\ which are ivars yet!
( cfa offs-within-ivar )
IF \ for public static ivars, the "offset" we return is
\ actually the ivar's real data address.
drop ^ivar 20 ( static_ivar_offs ) + @abs -> offs
++> offs
offs xdispl-offs
\ PUBLIC_STATIC_IVAR_REF handles a message bind to a public static ivar
\ (done via the msg: ivar> in_class someClass syntax)
classTyp <> ?error 196 \ class name must follow in_class
true fix_pivar drop \ %%% don't worry about large_obj_arrays
\ which are public static ivars yet!
0 bind_to_obj
\ OBJREF handles a reference to a normal object.
: OBJREF { selID ^obj \ cfa offs xdispl-offs -- }
IF selID ^obj objFindM
ELSE \ it's a public ivar reference in the referenced object
^obj >class false fix_pivar
( cfa offs xdispl-offs ) -> xdispl-offs -> offs -> cfa
^obj xdispl-offs + lit_addr
" dup @ +" evaluate
offs IF \ will normally be zero
offs postpone literal
" +" evaluate
cfa bind_to_stk EXIT
cfa ^obj offs bind_to_obj
\ IVARREF handles a reference to an ivar.
: IVARREF { selID ^ivar offs xdispl-offs \ cfa stat? -- }
heldMod 0 -> heldMod \ save
offs $ FFFE >= -> selfRef? \ if self or super. Allows private
\ methods to be found by (findm)
IF supers_to_skip -> sups2skip \ sups2skip is interrogated by (findm).
\ This must only be done if self or
\ super is the target.
0 -> offs \ "real" offset is zero
^ivar iffa w@ 2 and -> stat? \ static ivar?
IF selID ^ivar ivFindM \ %%% don't worry about large_obj_arrays
\ which are ivars yet!
selfRef? IF -> xdispl-offs ELSE drop THEN
++> offs \ add embedded obj base offs to ivar offs
-> cfa
0 -> sups2skip 0 -> supers_to_skip
IF xdispl-offs
IF xdispl-offs postpone literal
" ^base + dup @ +" evaluate
cfa bind_to_stk
cfa offs bind_to_self false -> selfRef?
?unholdMod -> heldMod EXIT
ELSE \ it's a public ivar reference within the referenced ivar
^ivar ^iclass false fix_pivar drop \ %%% don't worry about large_obj_arrays
\ which are ivars yet!
++> offs -> cfa
IF cfa ^ivar 26 bind_to_obj
?unholdMod -> heldMod EXIT
IF xdispl-offs postpone literal
" ^base + dup @ +" evaluate
offs IF \ will normally be zero
offs postpone literal " +" evaluate
cfa bind_to_stk
cfa offs bind_to_ivar
?unholdMod -> heldMod
\ OP/CL is common code factored out of objPtrRef and classRef, which
\ are very similar.
: OP/CL { selID ^class \ cfa offs xdispl-offs -- }
IF selID ^class clFindm
^class false fix_pivar
-> xdispl-offs -> offs -> cfa
IF xdispl-offs postpone literal
" + dup @ +" evaluate
offs postpone literal " +" evaluate
cfa bind_to_stk
\ OBJPTRREF handles a reference to an object pointer.
: OBJPTRREF { selID OP-cfa \ OPclass cfa offs xdispl-offs addr -- }
OP-cfa (comp) \ Compile a fetch of the OP-cfa,
\ giving ^obj at run time
OP-cfa 2+ @abs -> addr
addr 4+ @abs -> OPclass
OPclass 0= ?error 86 \ "ObjPtr hasn't had a class specified"
OPclass hdlr -90 =
IF \ Class is exported
OPclass 6 + wdisplace \ Addr of module
compmod = ?error 84 \ It's the module we're compiling -
\ this is a no-no, since the ObjPtr
\ reference will use the OLD module!
OPclass ?>classInMod -> OPclass
selID OPclass OP/cl
\ CLASSREF handles a reference to a class - this means use the object
\ whose addr is on the stack, but ASSUME it is of the given class
\ and early bind, without checking.
\ The code is very similar to objPtrRef, naturally enough.
: CLASSREF { selID ^class \ cfa offs xdispl-offs -- }
need_class? IF ' chkClass -> ^class false -> need_class? THEN
selID ^class OP/cl
\ TMPOBJREF handles a reference to a temp object.
: TMPOBJREF { selID offs ^tmpObj \ svHeldMod cfa xdispl-offs -- }
heldMod -> svHeldMod 0 -> heldMod
IF selID ^tmpObj ivFindM
^tmpObj 8 + @abs false fix_pivar
-> xdispl-offs ++> offs -> cfa
IF postpone locReg
xdispl-offs postpone literal postpone +
postpone dup postpone @ postpone +
offs IF offs postpone literal postpone + THEN \ will normally be zero
cfa bind_to_stk
cfa offs bind_to_tmpObj
svHeldMod -> heldMod
\ SuperRef handles the msg: super> someSuper construct.
: SUPERREF { selID \ ^nway namedClass ^nway' cnt -- }
?class \ Must be compiling a class
' -> namedClass \ get named class xt
^comp_class sfa -> ^nway
^nway -> ^nway' 0 -> cnt
^nway' @ 0= ?error 120 \ "superclass" not found
^nway' @abs namedClass =
1cell ++> ^nway' 1 ++> cnt
cnt -> supers_to_skip
" SUPCL" sFind drop 46 + \ careful of hard-coded number here
$ FFFE 0 ivarRef \ equivalent to msg: super
forward COMPREF
\ PubIvarRef handles the msg: ivar> someIvar IN someObj construct, to
\ send a message directly to a public ivar in an object. At this point
\ we've just read "ivar>".
: PUBIVARREF { selID \ addr len ^class ^ivar -- }
selID -> pivSel \ save selID being sent to the ivar
mword hash -> pivar \ parse ivar name
mword count -> len -> addr
addr len " IN" s=
IF 0 \ dummy "selID" for compRef (not a legal selector)
compRef \ handle whatever object comes after IN. The
\ zero selector signals that a public ivar in the
\ indicated object is to be accessed - real selectors
\ can't ever be zero. This will lead to fix_pivar
\ being called to complete the job.
addr len " IN_CLASS" s=
IF public_static_ivar_ref
ELSE true ?error 194 \ "wrong syntax for public ivar"
\ LBselfRef handles messages to [self] - i.e. late bound to Self.
: LBSELFREF ( selID -- )
" self" evaluate postpone literal \ pushes ^self, then selID
" send" evaluate \ ppc send
\ Now here are the main words which compile the selector bindings.
\ CompRef operates at compile time - it compiles a selector bind.
:f COMPREF \ ( selID -- )
refToken \ ( selID <various> type )
\ <various> will be the cfa of whatever came after the selector,
\ or ( offset ^ivar ) for ivars and temp objects (which are
\ treated as ivars of the class Dummy).
objTyp OF objRef ENDOF
ivarTyp OF ivarRef ENDOF
objPtrTyp OF objPtrRef ENDOF
tmpObjTyp OF tmpObjRef ENDOF
classTyp OF classRef ENDOF
\ These next 3 can only come up if implicit_late_bind? is true:
\ valTyp OF compdfr ENDOF
\ locTyp OF compdfr ENDOF
\ wordTyp OF compdfr ENDOF
lbTyp OF drop postpone literal
" send" evaluate ( ensure we get ppc "send" )
lbSelfTyp OF drop LBselfRef ENDOF
bktTyp OF drop -> dfrSelID 251 ENDOF
superTyp OF drop superRef ENDOF
pubIvarTyp OF drop pubIvarRef ENDOF
82 die \ "Selector can't be used on that"
RunRef is the execution mode equivalent - it executes a selector bind.
We do this simply by compiling it in a buffer then executing it there.
This replaces the earlier scheme where we had to separately handle each
case as for compRef - this was a Neon carryover.
While we're compiling in the buffer, we save the DP on the return stack,
then restore it before executing what we compiled (since it might do some
compiling itself). This isn't long, but it's a bit tricky:
: RUNREF { selID \ svDP svBufPtr svState -- }
DP -> svDP \ save DP
DP hiDP umax -> hiDP \ so we can reset DP to right place on an error
bufPtr NIF runRefBuf ELSE bufPtr THEN
dup -> DP -> svBufPtr \ now we'll compile in runRefBuf
state -> svState \ save state
postpone ] \ need compile state so this compilation works properly
selID compRef \ compile the binding
svState -> state \ restore state
0 -> hiDP \ don't need it any more and could cause problems
DP -> bufPtr \ new bufPtr value
svDP -> DP \ restore DP since the code might compile something
patches_done \ we're about to execute what we just compiled
svBufPtr execute \ execute at old bufPtr location
svBufPtr -> bufPtr \ then restore old bufPtr
\ ======== Selector support =========
\ MESSAGE is the handling word invoked by using a selector.
: MESSAGE immediate
IF \ Compile state
compRef \ Compile the message send
runRef \ Run state - execute object/vector reference.
\ ?unHoldMod is called by ex-method at the
\ end, so we don't need to call it here.
\ 1stFind lumps together all the special cases we have to look for after
\ we've parsed an input word, but before we can do a regular dictionary
\ lookup. At present these are selectors, named parms/locals, ivars
\ and local objects. If we invent more later, they can easily be added.
\ The vector Ufind is then set to this word so it is called before the
\ regular dictionary search. If we succeed here, we return the selector
\ ID or zero, the cfa of the handling word, and 1 or -1 (this will cause
\ FIND to exit without doing anything more). If we fail, we return the
\ original string address and false.
: 1stFIND \ ( str-addr -- selID message-cfa T | -- str-addr F )
sel? \ is it a selector?
IF hash \ yes - leave selID
['] message 1 \ and cfa of message, and 1 (it's immediate)
ELSE LocFind \ no - look for the various kinds of local name
' 1stFind -> Ufind
\ : OBJLEN \ ( -- objlen ) Computes total data length of current object.
\ ^base (^dlen) dup w@ swap 2+ w@ ?dup
\ IF idxBase 4- @ 1+ * + 4+ THEN ;
getSelect classinit: -> initID
\ forward DUMP
\ SET_CLASS is a utility word used to patch nucleus objects when their classes
\ are defined in higher-level files. Actually it could be used to change the
\ class of any object, if anyone is silly enough to want to do that.
\ Usage: fFcb ['] file set_class
: SET_CLASS { ^obj theClass -- }
theClass chkClass ^obj 8 - reloc! \ Patch ^class
2 ^obj 2- w! \ Not indexed (yet)
-4 ^obj 4- w! ; \ ^class offset
: CHKSAME \ ( ^obj -- ^obj )
\ A check that two objects are of exactly the
\ same class.
dup >classXt ^base >classXt <> ?error 87 ;
\ ========= Object pointers ==========
(* Object pointers are low-level objects (like VALUEs) which point to a
normal (high-level) object, and which allow early-bound messages to be
sent to the object by syntactically sending them to the object pointer.
The normal syntax is
ObjPtr ZZZ class_is someClass
Thereafter, any messages sent to zzz are early-bound to the object that
zzz points to at the time the message executes.
If you need to declare the object pointer before the class exists, use
SET_TO_CLASS once the class is defined, thus:
:class SOMECLASS super{ object }
' someOP set_to_class someClass
: (toOP) { ^obj OPcfa \ OPclass addr -- }
OPcfa 2+ @abs -> addr \ note: in the PPC native version (see right
\ near the end), litAddr_h does this for us.
^obj nilP = \ If we're storing nil, anything goes
check_OP_stores? not or \ Or if checking is turned off
addr 4+ @abs -> OPclass
^obj 8 - @abs OPclass <>
IF \ Mismatch. We give some useful(?) info.
cr ^obj obj> .id ." -> " OPcfa .id
87 die
^obj addr !
:f ToObjPtr
IF litAddr_h " (toOP)" evaluate ELSE (toOP) THEN ;f
: CLASS_IS \ ( --< class > )
?exec ' chkClass DP 4- reloc! ;
\ ===================================
\ Bytes is used as the allocation primitive for basic classes
: BYTES { numBytes \ svRec? -- }
rec? -> svRec? true -> rec? \ Don't want an object header here
" object" sFind drop ivDef
numBytes ^comp_class dfa w+!
svRec? -> rec? ;
\ Temp objects aren't needed for the code generator, so we defer them
\ to zClass, which simplifies life considerably.
(* ================= Records and unions ====================
record <name> \ The name is optional
{ var v1
int i1
string s
union <name> \ The name is optional
{ var v1
int i1
string s
Or you can use record{ ... } or union{ ... } if you prefer, if it's
unnamed. The similarity of syntax to temp objects is quite deliberate.
But any similarity to Your Favorite Language is entirely accidental. Well
actually it's not, but I think this syntax is as good as any, and probably
more readable for folks coming from the land of C.
unions can be nested within records and vice versa.
NOTE: it's best to not use unions unless you're really sure you know what
you're doing. Having different objects sharing the same memory is sure
to cause problems if you're careless!
^comp_class dfa w@
rec? union? unionOffs 68k_align?
-> 68k_align? -> unionOffs -> union? -> rec?
union? IF \ we fell back in a union, so we
\ reset data pointer to where it was at the beginning
\ of this union/rec
^comp_class dfa w!
: ?HANDLE_NAME { \ sv_>in sv_^class sv_rec? -- }
>in @ -> sv_>in ^comp_class -> sv_^class rec? -> sv_rec?
Mword count " {" s=
NIF \ we've got a name for the record
true -> rec? \ must do this before defining the name "object"
sv_>in >in !
" object" sFind drop ivDef
sv_rec? -> rec? sv_^class -> ^comp_class
gobble{ \ "{" must follow
131 ?pairs rstRec
['] } >body ! ;
?class \ must be compiling a class
['] } >body @ \ save old action for "}"
['] }record -> } \ "}" will now be same as }record
svRec \ save parameters for any existing record/union
131 \ for ?pairs
true -> rec? false -> union? ;
record{ ;
: 68k_RECORD{
true -> 68k_align? ;
: 68k_RECORD
true -> 68k_align? ;
132 ?pairs
unionOffs ^comp_class dfa w!
['] } >body ! ; \ restore old action for "}"
?class \ must be compiling a class
['] } >body @ \ save old action for "}"
['] }union -> } \ "}" will now be same as }union
svRec \ save record/union parameters
132 \ for ?pairs
true -> rec? true -> union?
^comp_class dfa w@ -> unionOffs ;
union{ ;
\ This is for finding a bug:
: TCHK { thread# \ thread_addr lfa -- }
thread# dummy_len c! \ fake a "length byte" for THREAD
dummy_len thread -> thread_addr \ addr of thread start in CONTEXT
thread_addr displace -> lfa \ addr of first link field in thread,
lfa displace \ chain back
dup code_start u<
IF drop \ next link field is below start of code
." lfa: " lfa .h 3 spaces lfa link> .id cr
-> lfa
[THEN] \ ppc? not [if]
(* Thus before CROSS, the first time through, we stop there.
We now define OBJECT and optionally the torture tests, in target
compilation mode.
\ ===================================
forward dump
forward I/O_ERR \ ( err# -- ) Call when there's an I/O error.
: OK? \ ( rc -- ) A useful word to use after an I/O op.
?dup 0EXIT I/O_err ;
variable self_vbl
^self self_vbl displ!x
: CAN_BE_GPR $ 30 into_flags ;
: CAN_BE_FPR $ 40 into_flags ;
: CAN_BE_VR $ 50 into_flags ;
: ALIGNMENT ( n -- ) 8 << into_flags ; \ n is power of 2
:class OBJECT super{ meta }
:m CLASS: ^base ?>class ( ?>classinMod ) ;m
:m GETNAME: ( -- addr len )
^base obj>
?dup IF >name n>count ELSE " <no name>" THEN ;m
:m .ID: getName: self type ;m
:m .CLASS: ^base >classXt .id ;m
:m ADDR: inline{ ^base} ;m
\ :m ABS: ^base ;m \ now obsolete
:m LENGTH: \ ( -- len ) Gets total length of object.
objlen ;m
:m #ELEMENTS: ( -- #elems )
^base (^dlen) 2+ w@ \ indexed width
IF \ we're indexed
idxBase 4- @ 1+
ELSE \ not indexed - return -1
(* Here are two methods which operate between this object and another of
the same class. Note we don't check that the passed-in object is actually
of the same class, since it could be a subclass but still be safe to use
:m COPYTO: \ ( ^obj -- ) Copies the ivar part of the passed-in object
\ to self.
^base dup (^dlen) w@ aligned_move ;m
:m =?: \ ( ^obj -- b ) Returns true if the ivar part of the passed-in
\ object is identical to self.
^base dup (^dlen) w@ (s=) ;m
(* The following methods need to be defined for all objects.
We give them their default definitions here.
:m CLASSINIT: ;m \ Our standard constructor method. Called automatically
\ whenever an object is created.
:m DEEP_CLASSINIT: \ Also does classinit: on all nested ivars. Use for
\ totally (re-)initializing an object.
classinit: [ self ] \ ivsetup doesn't do this, so we do it explicitly
(^base) -> newObject
class: self ifa displace 0 0
(* RELEASE: is our standard destructor method. Any objects that
allocate heap storage will redefine this appropriately.
Our rule is that an object will release ALL its storage
when it gets a release: message. Other methods can be
provided to partly release storage, as needed.
:m RELEASE: inline{ } ;m
(* SEND: and BRING: handle serialization of an object, so
it can be saved to a file or whatever. We take a
passed-in object as the source/sink for the serialized
bytes. It can be any object that supports the stream
methods read: and write:.
Here in class Object we just assume we can just write
the object's local data. Any classes that use handles
etc. will have to do a bit more than this.
We write the non-indexed and indexed data separately,
to meke these operations less sensitive to platform-related
alignment questions. On the PPC the indexed area
starts out 4-byte aligned, but only 2-byte aligned
on the 68k. Of course alignment issues within the
local ivars might rule out cross-platform compatibility
anyway, but there will be many situations in which
what we do here will work.
:m SEND: { stream \ ^dlen xwid -- }
^base (^dlen) -> ^dlen
^dlen w@ \ ivar len
write: [ stream ] OK? \ write out ivar data
^dlen 2+ w@ dup -> xwid 0EXIT \ if not indexed, we're done
idxBase dup
4- @ 1+ xwid * \ indexed length
write: [ stream ] OK? \ write out indexed data
:m BRING: { stream \ ^dlen xwid -- }
^base (^dlen) -> ^dlen
^dlen w@ \ ivar len
read: [ stream ] OK? \ read ivar data
^dlen 2+ w@ dup -> xwid 0EXIT \ if not indexed, we're done
idxBase dup
4- @ 1+ xwid * \ indexed length
read: [ stream ] OK? \ read indexed data
:m DUMP:
.id: self ." class: " .class: self
^base objlen dump ;m
:m PRINT: \ Used for a formatted display, if appropriate.
\ Default is just a dump.
dump: self ;m
(* ***********
\ A simple test of the basic class stuff - run if the plot
\ gets totally lost:
:class testClass super{ object }
:m aa: 1 2 3 ;m
:m bb: 99 aa: self ;m
:class cl2 super{ testClass }
testClass bloggs
:m cc: $ 1234 bb: bloggs
cl2 myObj
********** *)
\ ========= Object pointers ==========
\ Here we just need the PPC native version of (toOP).
true value check_OP_stores? \ allows us to turn off type checking
\ for stores to objPtrs
: (toOP) { ^obj addr \ OPclass -- }
\ addr is the obj ptr info in the data area, courtesy of litAddr_h
\ (if compiling) or >body (if interpreting). See ToObjPtr in
\ zClass.
^obj nilP = \ If we're storing nil, anything goes
check_OP_stores? not or \ Or if checking is turned off
addr 4+ @abs -> OPclass
^obj 8 - @abs OPclass <>
IF \ Mismatch. We give some useful(?) info.
cr ^obj obj> .id
87 die
^obj addr ! ;
\ ===============================================================
\ ===============================================================
\ This is a slightly cut-back version of the full torture tests
\ as in zClass. A few things aren't implemented in the target
\ compilation since the code generator doesn't use them.
: ?CHK
2dup <>
IF cr .h cr .h
true abort" check FAILED!!!" \ error if something doesn't
\ give what we expect
: leaf ;
:class VAR super{ object }
4 bytes data
inline{ 0 ^base !} ;m
:m GET:
inline{ ^base @} ;m
:m PUT:
inline{ ^base !} ;m
:m GETT: ^base @ ;m
:m PUTT: ^base ! ;m
:m +:
inline{ ^base +!} ;m
:m -:
inline{ ^base -!} ;m
:m ->:
inline{ @ ^base !} ;m
:m TEST: @ ^base ! ;m
mlocal LOCTEST: { aa \ bb cc -- }
:m AAA: aa -> bb ;m
:mloc LOCTEST:
aaa: self aaa: self aaa: self cc -> bb ;mloc
^base @ . ;m
$ 123 put: self ;m
:class BYTE super{ object }
1 bytes data
inline{ 0 ^base c!} ;m
:m GET:
inline{ ^base c@x} ;m
:m UGET:
inline{ ^base c@} ;m
:m PUT:
inline{ ^base c!} ;m
:m ->:
inline{ c@ ^base c!} ;m
^base c@ . ;m
:m CLASSINIT: 9 put: self ;m
\ +echox
\ some very simple testing, to start with:
0 value testVal
var aVar
byte aByte
: test1
." test1" cr
987 avar ! get: avar 987 ?chk \ optimizes
addr: avar -> testVal
876 testVal ! \ should clobber opt
get: avar 876 ?chk
: test2 \ testing late binding - assumes test1 done
." test2" cr
get: [ avar ] 876 ?chk
var vv
:class BOOL super{ byte }
:m GET:
inline{ ^base c@x} ;m
:m PUT:
inline{ 0<> ^base c!} ;m
:m SET:
inline{ true ^base c!} ;m
get: self IF ." true" ELSE ." false" THEN ;m
:m CLASSINIT: clear: self ;m
:class BARRAY super{ object } 1 indexed
:m AT: \ ( index -- n )
inline{ ^elem c@} ;m
:m TO: \ ( n index -- )
inline{ ^elem c!} ;m
:m ^ELEM: \ ( index -- addr )
inline{ ^elem} ;m
:m FILL: \ ( value -- ) Fills all elements with value.
idxbase limit 2* bounds
?DO dup i c! LOOP drop ;m
:m WIDTH: 1 ;m \ Faster than the default in Object
:m GETELEM: \ ( addr -- n ) Fetches one element at addr
c@x ;m
:m TEST: at: self ;m
\ Testing arrays:
20 barray bb
: test3
." test3" cr
$ 9887 bb 20 + c!
12 -> testVal
testVal test: bb $ 87 ?chk
120 -> testVal
\ ." should fail range check and trap - just step past the tw:" cr cr
\ testVal test: bb \ should fail range check
\ also we test indexed classes which are subclassed and have
\ added ivars, to make sure we get the right offset to the
\ indexed header:
:class INDEXED-OBJ super{ object }
:m ^ELEM: ^elem ;m
:m LIMIT: limit ;m
:m WIDTH: idxbase 6 - w@ ;m
:m IXADDR: idxbase ;m
:m CLEARX: \ Erases indexed area.
idxbase limit width: self * erase ;m
:m CLASSINIT: clearX: self ;m
:class WARRAY super{ indexed-obj } 2 indexed
:m AT: \ ( index -- n )
inline{ ^elem w@x} ;m
:m ATT: ^elem w@x ;m
:m TO: \ ( n index -- )
inline{ ^elem w!} ;m
:class TRIGTABLE super{ wArray }
10 trigtable ttt
$ 56 ttt $ 26 + w!
: test4 { \ xx -- }
." test4" cr
addr: ttt -> xx \ so we can look at it in the debugger
3 at: ttt $ 56 ?chk ;
\ Testing object pointers
var vv1
objPtr ov class_is var
objPtr ov1 class_is var
objPtr ob class_is bool
: test5
." test5" cr
$ 765 put: vv $ 543 put: vv1
vv1 -> ov1 vv -> ov
gett: ov1 $ 543 ?chk get: ov $ 765 ?chk
$ 345 putt: ov get: ov $ 345 ?chk ;
\ static ivar check omitted - not needed for code generator so not
\ implemented in target compilation
\ Testing late bind to self
:class VAR+ super{ var }
:m QQ: get: [self] \ should make class general
get: [ self ] \ shouldn't give any error
var+ VVV
\ qq: vvv \ no need for ?chk since it will give its own error
: test8
." test8" cr
qq: vvv 2drop
\ Testing records and unions. Also, the TEST: method piles up so many
\ values that this also tests register spilling with a duplicate value!
:class RECTEST super{ object }
var vv
record RR
{ var v1
bool b1
3 barray bbb
byte b3 \ now aligned - unions should normally
\ start out aligned, but we don't insist
\ on it
union { byte b2
var v2
record { byte bb1
byte bb2 }
var v3
:m TEST:
4 0 to: bbb 5 1 to: bbb 6 2 to: bbb
$ 33 put: vv
$ 123 put: v1 set: b1 $ 124 put: v2 7 put: b3
$ 35 put: bb1 $ 36 put: bb2 $ 125 put: v3 $ 37 put: b2
get: v1 put: b1
get: b2 get: v2 get: bb1 get: bb2 get: v3
addr: rr 36 + @
recTest rrr
: test9
." test9" cr
$ 33 addr: vvv !
qq: vvv
$ 33 ?chk
$ 33 ?chk
test: rrr
$ 125 ?chk
$ 125 ?chk
$ 36 ?chk
$ 37 ?chk
$ 37360124 ?chk
$ 37 ?chk
rrr $ 2C + @ $ 04050607 ?chk
\ testing multiple inheritance
:class INT super{ object }
2 bytes data
inline{ 0 ^base ! } ;m
:m UGET:
inline{ ^base w@ } ;m
:m GET:
inline{ ^base w@x } ;m
:m PUT:
inline{ obj w! } ;m
:m PUTT: ^base w! ;m
:m IPUT: ^base w! ;m \ used in testing mult inheritance
:m CLASSINIT: $ 456 put: self ;m
:class CC super{ byte int var bool }
:m TEST:
iput: self \ check it compiles
uget: self \ offs should be 0
+: self \ offs should be 4
set: self ;m \ offs should be E
:m TEST1:
set: self
get: super> bool \ should get -1
get: super
:m setValues:
9 put: super> byte
$ 456 putt: super \ should go to the int
$ 456 put: super> int
$ 123 put: super> var
set: super
cc myCC
: test10 { \ addr -- }
." test10" cr
addr: mycc -> addr
setValues: mycc
mycc @ $ 09000000 ?chk
mycc 4+ @ $ fff40002 ?chk
mycc 8 + @ $ 04560000 ?chk
mycc 12 + @ $ ffec0002 ?chk
mycc 16 + @ $ 123 ?chk
mycc 20 + @ $ ffe40002 ?chk
mycc 24 + @ $ ff000000 ?chk
:class STRANGE super{ object }
var VV
byte BB
:m GET: get: vv get: bb ;m
:m PUT: put: bb put: vv ;m
:class ARRAY super{ indexed-obj } 4 indexed
:m AT: \ ( index -- n )
inline{ ^elem @} ;m
:m ATT: ^elem @ ;m
:m TO: \ ( n index -- )
inline{ ^elem !} ;m
:m +TO: \ ( n index -- )
inline{ ^elem +!} ;m
:m -TO: \ ( n index -- )
inline{ ^elem -!} ;m
:m FILL: \ ( value -- ) Fills all elements with value.
idxbase limit 4* bounds
DO dup i ! 4 +LOOP drop ;m
1 at: self ;m
:class MULT super{ var int array }
:m MTEST: $ 456 put: super> int $ 123 put: super> var
uget: super 999 1 to: self ;m
:m MAT: at: self ;m
objPtr OO class_is mult
objPtr OOO class_is int
:class IVXX super{ object }
10 bytes data2
int i1
int i2
130 bytes qqqq \ Include to check >128 distance
\ index addressing of array qwert
9 array qwert
$ 8456 dup i1 w! addr: i2 w! \ should be equivalent
get: i1 uget: i2 66 put: i2
99 3 to: qwert 1234 drop 3 at: qwert
addr: i2 -> ooo ;m
addr: qwert ;m
int ii
3 mult mm
ivxx iv
: test11
." test11" cr
itest: iv
$ 63 ?chk
$ 8456 ?chk
$ ffff8456 ?chk
mtest: mm
$ 456 ?chk
88 iput: mm \ Note: get: mm will bind to the var, but uget: mm
\ will bind to the int and give 88.
get: mm $ 123 ?chk
uget: mm 88 ?chk
: test12
." test12" cr
itest: iv
getqwert: iv 3 swap at: ** 99 ?chk
mtest: mm $ 456 ?chk
1 at: mm 999 ?chk
1 mat: mm 999 ?chk
1 mm at: mult 999 ?chk
1 mm at: [] 999 ?chk
mm -> oo
1 at: oo 999 ?chk
1 mat: oo 999 ?chk
uget: mm $ 456 ?chk
addr: mm addr: oo ?chk \ Both numbers shd be same
uget: ooo 66 ?chk
\ testing ivSetup (via deep_classinit: ) - this should put the $123 and
\ $456 in the var and the int, and store the same offsets in the header
\ that are already there.
:class ivsTestClass super{ var int array }
{ var v1
int i1
byte b1
3 array a1
5 ivsTestClass ivs1
: test13
." test13" cr
deep_classinit: ivs1
addr: ivs1 @ $ 123 ?chk
addr: ivs1 4 + @ $ FFF4003A ?chk
addr: ivs1 8 + @ $ 04560000 ?chk
addr: ivs1 12 + @ $ FFEC0032 ?chk
addr: ivs1 16 + @ $ 123 ?chk
addr: ivs1 20 + @ $ 04560900 ?chk
addr: ivs1 24 + @ $ 0 ?chk \ array has no name so zero here
addr: ivs1 28 + c@ $ 08 ?chk \ rest of reloc addr can change
addr: ivs1 32 + @ $ FFFC000A ?chk
addr: ivs1 36 + @ $ 4 ?chk
addr: ivs1 40 + @ $ 2 ?chk
\ Temp object check omitted - not needed for code generator so not
\ implemented in target compilation
\ =========== TORTURE runs the test! ============
." torture tests start..." cr cr
test1 test2 test3 test4 test5
test8 test9
test10 test11 test12 test13
cr cr ." torture tests WORKED!!!" cr
\ =========== the current test block ============
:f run
cr cr ." Hi there." cr
." Type a number to start the tests." cr 1 2 3
query cr
rest nip 0>
if execute
.s cr
:f quit run ;f \ temp so we can catch errors!
\ marker m__pStruct
\ endload
\ ================ end of test block =================